WebwinkelKeur recommends Trust Guard


WebwinkelKeur considers it important that its members have a secure webshop, and this is reflected in the WebwinkelKeur ‘secure browsing’ badge on the website. To make this website security possible, WebwinkelKeur has chosen to collaborate with Trust Guard, an online full-fledged website security scan for checking the technical security of the webshop.

Members of WebwinkelKeur receive a 25% discount during the first year, and a standard 15% discount when renewing.

Why a website security scan?

You probably have installed a virus scanner on your PC. In your physical shop you have good door locks, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and several insurances. All measures to prevent data and goods from being lost or stolen.

What about your webshop? Of course you use an SSL certificate, but that is not enough against hackers and script kiddies! Has your hosting party installed the latest version of the operating system with all the security patches? Has your website been technically built safely by your website builder or cloud solution? Is the technology behind your website continuously updated to remain secure? Do you have a maintenance contract for this? Because if you are hacked, the risks are for you: reputation damage, no turnover for a few days, costs for repairing the errors and, if you are unlucky, fines from the privacy legislation (GDPR) or fines from the credit card companies (PCI/DSS). Better safe than sorry! A well secured web shop is important, and it is your own responsibility.

Advise WebwinkelKeur: the security scan by Trust Guard

WebwinkelKeur had previously worked with the security scan of Provensec. However, they wanted to develop further in this field and started looking for alternatives. Qualys, Trust Guard, McAfee Secure, Detecify, Sectigo, Pentest Tools and Securi were invited for a product presentation. Besides Sectigo, Trust Guard also responded to this invitation and gave a demo to WebwinkelKeur. To be able to make a good comparison, WebwinkelKeur then started a user test.

Trust Guard emerged as the clear winner. Although the users felt that issue reporting was still an area for attention, they also found a clear difference in the personal service and the extensive provision of information. Trust Guard scored best on these components. WebwinkelKeur therefore recommends Trust Guard as a security scan to its members.

Want to know more about the user test? Download the full report here.

The ‘safe browsing’ badge means safe online shopping

You can also ensure that the ‘safe browsing’ badge of WebwinkelKeur is shown on your member page. Have your domain scanned weekly for this. If your shop passes the scan without medium or high risk issues, WebwinkelKeur will show the ‘SUPER secure browsing badge’ on your member page. If you choose a different scan frequency, the basic ‘safe browsing’ badge will be shown if no safety risks are found. And that means safe shopping for your customers.

Special offer for WebwinkelKeur members

All WebwinkelKeur members can test Trust Guard free of charge for 14 days without any obligation. If a subscription is then taken out, WebwinkelKeur members receive a 25% discount on the first invoice. But that is not all. We offer a further 15% discount on renewals and upgrades. For example, the first year you can have a weekly Trust Guard security scan for € 165.

WebwinkelKeur members can find the offer in their dashboard.

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